Standing Ovation

Barilla's Spotify playlists help you cook your pasta to perfection
Have you ever struggled to cook your pasta perfectly al dente? You know that sweet spot where the pasta's still firm when you bite it, but not soggy and mushy. I definitely struggle with this one.
And it seems it's a problem for many pasta chefs. That's why Barilla came up with a clever and creative content marketing idea to help customers cook their product to perfection.
They created 8 Spotify playlists which vary in length depending on the type of past you're cooking.
Because according to Barilla, the secret to cooking perfectly al dente pasta is getting the timing right. These precisely timed playlists act as a fun and funky kitchen timer, adding a little dance time to your pasta cooking sessions.
Why I love it
- It's fresh and fun, bringing pop culture into a mundane task like cooking the family dinner
- It's a creative way to add value to a product and help people use it properly
- It taps into the growing trend of branded playlists and the cultural juggernaut of Spotify
- It engages with a customer base who's growing tired of cooking (and being) at home and looking for ways to make every day a little more fun
But Barilla isn't the only company getting on the branded playlists wagon:
- KFC France made the Bucket Bangers playlist showcasing hip-hop songs that mention their brand
- Red Lobster created 10 Zoom backgrounds and a date night Spotify playlist to go along with their takeaway Date Night Deals during COVID-19 lockdowns
- Dove partnered with Pandora to create their Tropical Moods SoundEscape inspired by their Mango & Almond Butter Collection
I've even done a bit of playlist content marketing myself (because music makes everything better, right?).
My first was a hip-hop playlist to help copywriters and freelancers with their end of financial year business check-up. I gotta say, I still listen to this one every year as I look back on my FY achievements.
I also made a sexy Valentine's Day playlist to help you spice up your SEO and get some Google lovin'.
Could you use playlists to engage your audience and help them better understand your product or service?
Thanks to the fabulous Sandra Muller for emailing me to let me know about this Barilla campaign.
If you know a business, brand or campaign you think deserves a standing ovation, email me to tell me more.
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